Sunday, June 3, 2012

Business Email List Building ? What is Your Irresistible Offer?

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So which company do you think of when you hear this catchphrase?

If you guessed Dominoes Pizza, then you?d be right. It was the catchphrase that launched the small pizza business into something that eventually became the biggest pizza chain in the world.

Why , well because it wasn?t simply a catchy catchphrase, it also served them well as something called an ?irresistible offer?.? And? this is something I want to talk more about today.

business email list building


Have you ever come across something be it an advertisement, pamphlet, or signpost that has just caught your attention within the first few seconds of you seeing it? If you can remember such a thing, then you have been the recipient of someone?s ?irresistible offer?. Now if this company had had a?business email list building?system in place, then chances are you would be on their business email list.

If? you can?t remember? such an offer, then imagine coming across a chiropractor that offers a free massage with every consultation or a vet who can hypnotically suggest to your cat that it won?t shed anymore hair over the sofa as it goes for it?s yearly injections (I wish!).

Basically an irresistible offer is something that looks so cool, you immediately decide that you need to have it then and there ? simple.

You may have in your time come across many offers that weren?t so irresistible such as ?free measure and quote?, or buy two and get the third one free (although depending on what that is and how much value you?re getting, that may actually be irresistible, but anyway my point here is that:


Irresistible offers are crucial to business email list building.?


And they can make or break the popularity of your business

So what do we do with offers in terms of internet marketing??

Well for one thing, they are great for getting people to join your business email list.

One thing? I always tell people is that they should have something irresistible ready for visitors to your site to download every time someone new arrives on your page.


Examples of Irresistible Offers

Generally, irresistible offers work best when you offer something related to your main product for free so a free teeth cleaning/whitening is idea for cosmetic dental procedures. If you don?t want to offer something for free, give them a coupon. If youbusiness email list building?don?t have anything you can offer ?for ?free, pay someone else to offer a service. For example, a chiropractor can pay a massage therapist or a builder can pay a painter to provide a service for free or at a heavily discounted rate.


My Big Tip for making Irresistible Offers Work

Business email list building?works best when an offer is tangible. You may wish to provide financial services but make sure people understand exactly what they are going to get. It it a one-hour consultation for free? Are you writing a guide to help people better maximise their tax return? How quickly can they start seeing results? 30 days? One week? Use metrics wherever possible so it is easier for people to really feel the benefit and how it will impact their lives. For example,

?Lose weight fast? is not as effective as ?Drop two dress sizes in two weeks?.

If you would like to know more about how? to increase your local businesses bottom line with irresistible offers, then you can?click here?to see the webinar by Russell Brunson in which gives more detail on how irresistible offers work plus other small business list building tips that will help bring your business to the next level.

Also don?T forget to click her efor my free?21-point website self-analysis checklist?or here for another free gift,?a guide to unleashing Google +.


Cheers and see you in the next post. Don?t forget to hit ?like?, retweet or leave a comment (or whatever else we have to do these days to sty ahead of the game)








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