Monday, August 6, 2012

The McRae Family: Home

It's crazy that just a couple of weeks ago we were on way to Utah! We decided to surprise our families by coming home to Utah during Marc's summer break. Marc was initially going to come back by himself and make it to his annual Beaver fishing trip...but me and the kids didn't want to miss out so we tagged along. haha It was such a fun trip and on our way there it actually was an exciting drive because only my family knew we were coming. Surprises are my favorite and keeping it for 2 months was a hard thing but oh man was it worth it.

So the trip to SLC is 14 + hours so, being the lucky people we are, we had family to stay with at all of our stops. The first night we stayed with Ang and Brace in Laramie! Let me just say that I LOVE LARAMIE! It is such a neat town and I am sad we didn't get to stay there longer. It was so good to see Ang, Brace and their kids and to see where they live! I loved it because it rained both times we stayed and it was much needed compared to the HEAT AND HUMIDITY in Omaha. Rush was a little shy at first with Marc?and I but he warmed right up to Brax and especially Millie! Here the kids are playing on rushes fun toys...

?Ang lives right next to the neatest park and we just had to go walk and play on the playground. Brax couldn't get enough of the swing.

?Here is our attempt at a cousin pic. My kids would not cooperate. haha I just love it when the cousins get together!

We woke up early and headed off to Orem to surprise Megan and Mike! They knew Marc was coming because they helped plan the whole thing in the beginning but they had no clue that me and the kids were coming. When we pulled up to Orem Marc and I decided that the way we would surprise them is put the kids on the front porch and we would hide. Well...Ruthie answered the door and just stood there looking at Brax and Millie like "What the heck!" She was in shock so we peeked around the corner and Megan wasn't in sight. She was still way surprised but not the door opening surprise we thought. haha It was so much fun!

Cousins...Brax was using Mac as a arm rest. ha

?Braxton followed Ruthie all around the house. It was hilarious! Ruthie loved to hide Braxton's toys in her room and he would go back there and find them. haha

?Millie LOVED Ruthie and would get so excited when she would talk to her.

?Brax loved checkin out his shadow on the wall.????? Can you believe that Mac is 14 months younger than Brax! He is heavier than Brax and taller! That cute chunk is going to be a bruiser! So fun to see cousins.

After an overnight stay in Orem we were on our way to Beaver (Marc) and Cedar. We dropped Marc off with Mike and then me and the kids kept on going to Cedar. The sad part about the stay in Cedar is that the first night, my mom was in surgery and had to stay in the hospital in St. George, Markus was at scout camp, Ang and Brace moved and so did Aub and Jason! Crazy how much has changed but no worries...we had SO MUCH FUN with Grandpa and Aunt Cub! My dad was so helpful with the kids. When one was crying he would help them out while I got the other ready. :)

Millie loved Grandpa! He could get some of the biggest smiles out of her!

?Brax and Millie hanging out...they didn't skip a beat on the wrestling. Braxton loves to put his feet in her face. ha

?Braxton got himself into a lot of predicaments at my parents' house...eating dirt, getting stuck behind couches, and even tying himself up with a dog leash. haha He wanted? to go for a walk so bad. ha When Grandma got out of the hospital we had so much fun and even though she wasn't supposed to lift anything...she still found a way to play with Brax and her and Millie snuggled on the couch. Aunt Cub went on walks with us and I even got to go running with cub by myself! My dad was so good and made me all of my favorite things! Such a great cook!

?The final leg of our trip was in St. George. We had a lot of fun there too! I think that is the theme of this post. Halie and Ruthie gave Millie so much attention and treated her like a baby doll.

?The boy cousins (Little Micah was fishing with the men). I think that is the first picture Braxton is actually smiling in. haha

?The goal for the trip was to make it to the first cousin Baptism...Micah turned 8 in June and we were able to make it! No one knew we were coming which made it even sweeter! It was such a neat experience. Little Micah is such a great example to all of his little cousins and he made such an amazing choice by getting baptised. I bawled through the whole thing. Melissa did a fantastic job decorating for his luncheon and it was all darling! It was the perfect day!

Braxton had a great time walking around the gym chewing on his favorite toy...his alligator.

?We were able to get a family picture (minus whit) after the baptism. We got a full family picture Sunday morning but I do not have those pics :( Such a great day!!!

?After the baptism we all just hung out and had a good time catching up. We went to Texas Roadhouse and celebrated Rande's Birthday. We got ice cream a couple of times and went on a couple walks and ending the trip with a Bachelorette Finale party at Matt and Becky's where we laughed till we cried and cheered when Jef won!!!

Braxton using his feet again but this time on Brock's head. haha

?My sister in laws are all so talented and of course they had great activities for the kids...this time we made these cute plates! Such a great idea!!!

I am sure I missed a few things but we had a jam-packed weekend full of fun and a lot of driving. haha All in all it was an AMAZING? week and a half and I am so glad that we got to be there for so many things! When I think about the trip we never stopped in one place that we didn't feel like were home. Home is where family is. When we got together again we just picked up where we left off. We didn't even skip a beat. It just goes to show that family is truly the most?important thing. We are so lucky to have two wondeful families who support us and want the best for us. We are blessed?to be able to call all the places we stayed "home" and we are grateful for such great examples. Thank you all for letting us stay with you.?I am so glad that we came home and there will never be a summer break?that we won't be home!?The?Lord has blessed us with so much and family is the greatest one! Love you all! See you at Christmas...unless you feel like traveling?1100 miles to Omaha ;)?



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