Thursday, September 27, 2012

Time for an internal spring clean! - ARTEMIS Therapeutic Natural ...

Spring provides a wonderful array of cleansing herbs and vegetables, ideal to incorporate into your Spring detox for an internal cleanse.



Carrying some stubborn extra winter weight?

Constantly feeling sluggish and tired?

Is your skin looking dull?

Are you struggling to get up in the morning?


Be proactive and look after your most valuable asset, your health.?

The human body is amazing and can adapt and work under extreme pressure. However, we need to look after it so that it can provide us with the best possible health in return. ?Regular detoxification is essential for a strong body and a clear mind.? Despite common belief, many of the one-off detox packs have very little long term health benefits. ?It is actually the daily cleansing and nurturing that supports your body to function at its highest possible level. ?In turn, this enables you to enjoy your life at the fullest.


Spring provides?a wonderful array of cleansing herbs and vegetables that enables your body to get rid of sluggishness, excess weight and fluid (oedema) that commonly accumulate over winter. ?Traditionally all cultures?practiced spring cleansing as a way to rejuvenate themselves. ?Fresh vegetable juices and Tea Remedies are particularly suited for detoxification as they deliver ? apart from their cleansing nutrients ? also the necessary amount of liquid to flush the body. These nutrient rich, cleansing drinks are superbly bio-available and unfold their benefits immediately. This is because they are absorbed straight into the blood stream and do not need to be processed by the liver first, as is the case with tablets.? Removing impurities and unwanted waste will help restore balance and vitality leaving you looking and feeling rejuvenated.



For a detox that works you need to observe 3 principles:

1)???? provide specific nutrients to your detoxification organs liver and kidneys

2)???? eat cleansing foods and abstain from those which are processed and taxing

3)???? move your body


Why you need to nurture your liver

Taking a shower is a normal part of our daily routine, but have you ever thought of taking an ?internal shower??

Your liver is the gateway to health, vitality and beauty. ?The liver is a key organ within the human body and is nothing short of a miracle. ?It acts as ?purification plant? and a manufacturing and storage organ for nutrients and vitamins. ?A well functioning liver eliminates metabolic wastes, environmental toxins, drug residues, viruses, bacteria and excess hormones. ?An overloaded liver can manifest many unpleasant symptoms such as weight gain, constipation and /or diarrhea, inability to digest fatty foods, high cholesterol, bad breath, a yellowish looking, impure or itchy skin, hormonal imbalances, lack of concentration, depression, irritability, headaches, and waking between midnight and 3am. ?Ongoing tiredness is called the ?silent pain of the liver?. If liver detoxification is suboptimal the body also becomes over time susceptible to common degenerative diseases such as arthritis, skin conditions, autoimmune illnesses and cancer.


Why you need to daily cleanse your kidneys

Taking a shower is a normal part of our daily cleansing ritual, but have you ever thought of taking an internal shower? ?The kidneys are an important partner to the liver as they flush toxins made water-soluble by the liver. ?When the kidneys are working well this is reflected in a healthy urinary, sexual and reproductive system, a pure skin and supple, flexible joints. ?Kidney specific herbs help to detoxify and decongest the body. With their alkalising properties they further help to flush out uric acid and metabolic wastes often encountered in conditions such as allergies, eczema, arthritis and gout.


Why you need to move and nourish your body

We are made to move! Fresh air and exercise is essential for good health.

Beauty, radiance and vitality are linked directly with fitness and a good diet. You are meant to move! ?Fresh air and exercise are essential for good health. ?Exercise promotes essential detoxification, improves the metabolism and burns calories. ?Even a moderate level of exercise promotes circulation, oxygenation and lymphatic clearance to improve digestion, immunity, sleep and bone health. ?As a bonus, it also reduces stress levels.


When you have a sedentary lifestyle (i.e. when you don?t move very much) not only will you gradually gain fat that becomes difficult to shift with age, you will also loose muscle tone which is linked with youth and vitality. ?Therefore, if you get your heart rate up and even go so far as to break a sweat (just a little one) every day then this will get your heart pumping, boost metabolism, increase circulation, improve your mood, build muscle and burn fat.


Our body thrives best on a diet of organic vegetable and fruits, high quality plant proteins and organic meats.

Furthermore, your body thrives best on a diet of organic vegetables and fruits (a minimum of five serves a day), high quality plant proteins and low levels of organic meats. ?It is clinically proven that a diet high in sugar, saturated fat and processed foods will cause a lack of antioxidant protection, promote inflammation and poor health. ?Hormones and antibiotics in conventionally farmed pork, beef, chicken and milk combined with pesticides and herbicides from non-organic fruits and vegetables add to a high toxic load. ?Spring is a good time to rethink what you eat and incorporate those nourishing, fresh and vitalizing foods into your meals. ?Include vegetables like garlic, onions, broccoli, cabbage, radishes, mushrooms and asparagus as they help remove toxins from the blood stream. ?Make sure you include generous amounts of greens, as they are high in B vitamins and minerals.





A daily detox is the easiest and most effective way to give your body what it needs to feel the best that it can.? The best way to do this is by incorporating the certified organic ARTEMIS Detox Tea Remedies into your routine. ?Add exercise and healthy diet to this winning mix and you will be amazed how great you feel and how much energy you have!


Detoxify your Liver

The ARTEMIS Liver Detox Tea supports your liver to eliminate toxins, boost your metabolism, reduce cholesterol and assist in weight loss and constipation.?ARTEMIS Liver Detox Tea

a)??? For a full spring detox take three times per day before each main meal for a period of 3-6 weeks.

b)??? For optimal health continue to use the Liver Detox Tea once a day before breakfast as a daily health enhancing ritual for the rest of the year. ?For best results take in conjunction with the Kidney Cleanse Tea.

?Note: This tea may taste bitter at first. In fact, the more bitter you find it the more you need it. Persevere, as your liver improves, so will the taste! For beginners, make the tea weak (brew for 3-4 minutes). If needed, add a small amount of honey.


Cleanse your Kidneys

The ARTEMIS Kidney Cleanse Tea helps to flush toxins and urinary irritants, clears and prevents kidney and bladder infections, is useful in the treatment and prevention of gout as an alkalising remedy and helps to restore ARTEMIS Kidney Cleanse Teaclear skin.

a)??? For a full spring detox take three times per day in between meals for a period of 3-6 weeks.

b)??? Continue to use the Kidney Cleanse Tea once a day for morning tea as a daily ?internal shower? for the rest of the year. Regular flushing leads to rejuvenated inner health and glowing clear skin.


If weight and energy is an issue, enjoy the ARTEMIS Repower Green Tea in the afternoon. ?Drinking green tea will not only increase hydration and give you an antioxidant boost, it has been associated with increased weight loss (when trying to lose weight) and better maintenance (in healthy weight people). ?A delicious way to keep on top of your weight!

Tags: ARTEMIS Kidney Cleanse Tea, ARTEMIS Liver Detox Tea, bio-available, cleansing drinks, complementary health care, detoxification, good health, herbal tea, kidney, kidney cleanse, liver, liver detox, liver detoxification, liver diseases, oedema, organic food, organic fruit, organic vegetables, spring detox, Tea Remedies, Tea Remedy, winter weight


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