Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Who First?

The other day I stopped at the local gas station to fuel up my new all electric car.

No, that's not a typo.

The Fisker Karma is all electric, but uses a gas generator to power the electric motor when the stored electricity runs out. So you have to put fuel in it sometimes. It's possible to never use gas, if you drive locally (50 mile range per charge).

Don't worry your head about it, though. That's not the point of this post.

While there, a fellow asked me about the car. That's not unusual, either.

Everywhere I drive the Karma, people stop and ask about it. I've had people film me on the highway while they were driving, follow me and ask me about the car, sit beside me at a traffic light and praise the car, and more. The Karma is a head turner. It was designed by the same fellow who designed the Aston Martin, so it has lines that turn heads.

But that's not the point of this post, either.

This gentleman at the local petrol station said at one point he had fourteen cars and four airplanes. He added, "You can't take care of that many cars or planes, so I started giving them away."

I could relate. I've given away four of my cars so far. And I didn't start with as many as this stranger at the station.

The fellow added, "At some point you just stop buying so many things for yourself and you start helping other people."


That's the whole point. You have to take care of yourself first before you can help others in any big way.

Yes, of course you can help others right now, with whatever you have or can do. I'm talking about something greater than that, though. It's one thing to help a neighbor move his outdoor grill. It's quite another to give them a car.

I know a person who does volunteer work around the world. She said, "You have to have money to work for free."


Money is essential to your ability to help others.

If you don't have much right now, or always feel like you are just squeaking by, then it's your beliefs about money and yourself that are causing the block.

Once you handle your money issues, you are free to attract money and direct it to where you feel it will do the most good.

You can call it Maslow's hierarchy of needs, but any way you look at it, until you take care of your own survival needs and move into prosperity, you won't easily be able to think about let alone actually help anyone else in a big way.

I'm not suggesting that you own a fleet of cars before you start giving and helping others. But I am suggesting that you make yourself strong first. Then you will have the means and the strength to help others.

I've often said and written that if you want to make a difference in the world, begin with one person: yourself.

Once you've changed your own life, it'll be far easier to help others.

If you want the world to be a happier, healthier and more prosperous place, begin by contributing one happy, healthy and prosperous person to it: you.

How do you accomplish this?

Be good to yourself. Admit what you want for yourself. Take action to attract it to you. Get yourself financially secure.

Dr. Joe Vitale shares how to attract money using the Law of Attraction and inspiration in business and life. You will learn the techniques that Dr. Vitale has used for over 25 years to become known as powerful leader in copywriting and marketing.


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