Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Interview: What's Up With Comic Book Artist Tony Moore? | Thrash Lab

Tony Moore is an American comic book artist (and cosmic cowboy), whose work consists mainly of genre pieces, most notably in horror and science fiction, with titles such as Fear Agent, The Exterminators, and The Walking Dead. Tony?s illustrations don?t just speak to comic collectors, but he is certainly an icon in that space. His work as an illustrator represents the art of great storytelling and character development. In this awesome interview we scored, Tony shares his horror movie recommendations, cool shit to put on our radar and he offers a lot of aha moments. Read on ?

?Describe your style as an artist and describe your ?job? (for dummies that don?t know, or for us who just want more detail): Hmmmm. Gruesome? Funny? I grew up reading MAD Magazine and old horror comics, so in my mind, horror and humor together are like peanut butter and jelly. I?m a reference hound and a detail obsessive, but i also think expressive cartooning in a must in visual storytelling. As for my job, I wake up every day and fill myself to the gills with caffeine and sit in my pajamas, drawing robots and monsters and the rugged men in tights who punch them. I mostly make my nut in comics, but I?ve done poster work for movie companies and album covers and stuff, too. When it comes to comics, it?s a lot of time in isolated deep concentration, trying to visualize every scene from multiple angles, and move though them and frame each scene in an engaging way that captures the mood of the thing, and then portray the events in a relatable way using body language and facial expressions. Basically, if a comic book were a movie in production, I?m everybody on the set except for the guy who wrote it. Design, lighting, cinematography, direction, acting? you name it, I have to put it on the page.

Were you the kid in school growing up that doodled in his notebook all class instead of taking notes? If so, what class actually kept your attention? What was your go-to thing to illustrate in your notebooks? I drew all the time in school, but it wasn?t that I wasn?t paying attention, it was more that i had to keep my brain occupied or it shut down. If I was just sitting there letting information wash over me, even if I was trying to take notes, if it wasn?t a creative kind of subject, then it was all just water off a duck?s back. But if I was drawing, I could usually take minimal notes and remember everything the teacher told me. I had a chemistry class first thing in the morning in high school, and my teacher noted to my mom that if i wasn?t drawing, then I clearly just wasn?t awake. The only classes I took that didn?t engage me were my math classes. I was in the Advanced Placement programs of most of the subjects I took, and got good grades in everything despite being a terrible student. I just kind of hated (and continue to kind of hate) doing math. I was a really avid role-playing game nerd, so I loved Dungeons & Dragons, Cyberpunk 2020, and all the White Wolf games like Vampire: The Masquerade. So, I loved drawing elves and orcs and vampires and monsters, and all the crap that pays my bills now, only slathered in teen angst.

At what point in your life did you become confident or receive a compliment that gave you the reassurance you were on the right path creatively? In preschool, I had a lady offer to trade me a painting i had done for a wooden toy tow-truck. I don?t even remember what the painting was of, but clearly it was awesome. A little later, I had my first solo art show, still when i was in preschool, and a guy from the local paper came out and interviewed me about it. I thought I was King Shit of Cool Town, and was sold on the artist?s life for the rest of my days.

Do you have any staple trademarks a viewer could find in all your work? Rugged men with big chins and stubble, and people who get hit in the head and their hands curl into weird spasm poses. My grandfather was a tough as nails old son of a bitch with a wry sense of humor and a chin like a goddamn cinder block. In my head, all heroes basically start with my grandfather as the basic template, and then I mix and match the details. The other thing, with the hands, I stole from Don Martin, because I always thought his work in MAD was hilarious, and you?d be surprised at how common head trauma is in comics and how often I get to apply it.

For us non-comic illustrators, and us non-comic writers can you explain the process of how it works collaborating with a writer? How much does the illustration influence the creative story? How much freedom do you have? Basically, I get what looks like a movie script, and then I set out to make that into a series of images that tell that story. Different writers have different styles, and different projects require different relationships with the writers. I?ve been fortunate enough to largely avoid assembly line-like jobs where I?m just another cog in the machine. I mostly get to work with my friends, who welcome the creative collaboration. We tend to talk on the phone a bit and cook up some action scenes or cool visual set-pieces to pepper into the stuff they?ve got going, and every once in a while, I might have some missing piece that helps pull the events together story wise. Once the script comes, I?ve generally got whatever freedom I want, but I generally feel like that at that stage my job is to effectively tell the story at hand. If the proposed pacing or panel layout isn?t as affective as I think it could be, I?ll rejigger it a bit to make sure the events that need to happen are there and it carries the appropriate mood. That?s the job. Tell the story. Pretty pictures are nice, but if you can?t tell what?s going on, then I?ve screwed it up. And then lastly, the writers will often give it a last pass, fine-tuning the dialogue to work as well as possible with the art I?ve given back to them.

Is there a particular writer that you felt screamed your style and complimented your visions most? Rick Remender and I have been partnered up for several years now, and we get along like a house on fire. And I think when we get to spit-balling ideas and starting to cook up some stuff, we make some really fun stuff. I don?t wanna toot our collective horn, but you dragged it out of me. Magic. Okay? What we make is magic. Seriously, though, we?re on the same creative wavelength and we?ve been afforded a lot of opportunities to bring some crazy shit to the table, and I?m super proud of all of it. He?s an artist too, and we speak the same language, creatively speaking, like some kind of creepy art twin hive mind.

What comic book character that you have illustrated (or that someone else has drawn) do you feel best represents you? Heath Huston is the protagonist of Fear Agent, which I co-created with Rick Remender. I put a lot of myself into him, and i imagine him physically as a tough-guy idealized version of myself, if I wasn?t a sedentary, soft tub of guts with great hair. He really is the biological lovechild of myself and Rick. I think in some weird sad way, he?s a real portrait of the both of us, for better and worse.

What is your spirit animal? The dung beetle. Nature?s Sisyphus.

With Halloween on the mind, do you have any special plans? Traditions? Favorite horror films? We feel like it might be your favorite holiday, so do tell? I wish. I?m a dad and under deadline, so no parties for me. I used to love to go all out. Big parties, and spend a day or two building a ridiculous costume. I live out in the sticks now, so I don?t even have kids wander by for Trick Or Treat. That said, though, my kid is two and a half years old now, and she?s getting big on the idea of dressing up as stuff, as well as getting a metric ton of candy, so hopefully i can ignite something there and live vicariously through her and a mutual love of the holiday. That said, I?ll try to soak up all the greats, especially the stuff from the 70s. Last House on the Left, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist, and of course, Rosemary?s Baby. A horror movie marathon is pretty commonplace in my office, like once every couple of weeks at least. It?s one of my biggest passions, right behind comics. Halloween is my Christmas.

What is overrated culturally right now? What is underrated? Ignorance is overrated. We live in a culture where anti-intellectualism is celebrated and I think it?s really damned sad. Science is criminally underrated. I think the Curiosity Mars rover gave us a tiny little cultural taste of what it felt like when we put men on the moon. But we don?t do that anymore. And while we all can?t be astronauts, I think astronauts are like the superheroes of science, the faces that boys and girls can look up to and idolize, and get kids interested in the big ideas science has to offer. I?ve got a 2 year old daughter and all I want is for her to look at the stars and know that those are other places, not just lights in the sky, and to really try to understand the complex beauty of the universe we live in, not just be another dead-eyed Wal-Mart zombie caught up in the stupid trivialities and pointless melodrama on TV, and frankly, most of most people?s lives. I want her to think big, dream big. I?d much rather her be excited to hear Neil Tyson and Alice Roberts than to have any care for what Snooki and The Situation are about. If I can pull that off, I think I will have been a pretty good dad.

What is something or someone you recommend the people reading this interview have on their radar? Marvel?s MARVEL NOW stuff is going to be hot. They?ve got some really inspired recruiting on the books coming up in that line. My pals Rick Remender and Jason Aaron are doing some of the most exciting stuff I?ve seen in years over there. Also, Rick and I are proud to announce the first of 2 omnibus collections of our baby, Fear Agent, which comes out late this year from Dark Horse Comics. It?s a gargantuan tome of sci-fi space opera/western fantasy, and handsome as all Hell. A really beautiful presentation of some of my favorite work of my career. Beyond that, Jason Aaron and RM Guera?s SCALPED series just wrapped up, and i think it?s one of the best damn things ever printed. I can?t recommend it highly enough.

Lastly, what are you working on now? I?m really excited to talk about this one, finally. I?m working on part of that big MARVEL NOW event that I mentioned before, with Brian Posehn (Mr. Show, The Sarah Silverman Program) and Gerry Duggan (Attack of the Show, Infinite Horizon), on the relaunch of DEADPOOL, who is Marvel?s resident smart-mouthed mercenary, with probable deep mental health issues. It?s not a reboot, but just kind of a fresh reestablishing and jumping on point for folks who might have been interested in checking him out but were dissuaded by the years of backlog. This story involves a necromancer/political zealot who, in an effort to save America from itself, has resurrected all the dead Presidents of America. Of course, they come back evil and twisted, and must be stopped. Since they can?t have The Avengers seen going toe-to-toe with the country?s great icons gone corrupt, SHIELD recruits the one guy who has the skills, lack of scruples, and the plausible deniability to get the job done. It?s really funny, and absolutely brutal. I?ve drawn more viscera in the first few issues of this book than I have possibly in the entire rest of my career combined. Still, it?s considerably more lighthearted than just about everything I?ve done, so the cartooning is a bit more relaxed and a real joy to work on. We?re all having a ridiculous amount of fun on it, and I don?t think any of us thought we?d ever get away with it like we have.

Follow Tony Moore on Twitter and on Tumblr for updates on his projects and the things he has to say.
Also we recommend you check out this awesome video that Threadless made on Tony Moore in Zombie Country!

And as a bonus check out this new zombie image Tony recently completed ?


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Find the Best Optical Gaming Computer mouse For You | Ask ...

While video gaming has evolved through the years, the application, the hardware and way we perform along with connect to game titles in addition has modified. We are really not enjoying 2 perspective online games without having plot. Modern day online games are usually innovative pieces of software, requiring cutting-edge components to effectively enjoy. Many amateurs pay out lots of money on online games, software program, but on a regular basis neglect among the core facets of a good game playing expertise : the top gambling mouse button.

Rats may not look like a lot plus they are undoubtedly an important part we now have figured out to take for granted, yet getting the right gambling mouse button may gain advantage your gambling experience as well as improve your kill ratios. Improvements such as eye along with laser sensors, high-DPI video cameras, programmable links, as well as in-game button macro options have made the actual modern day video gaming mice a fresh kind of system from your normal run-of-the-mill workplace mouse button.

Like making any computer-related acquiring option, finding the top mouse for you personally could be complicated and take some time. There are numerous selections available. The guide can help you discover issues that are crucial to take into account when purchasing the mouse button.

Ergonomics are a key element of an excellent mouse. lefties may, sadly, convey more minimal possibilities as compared to their many other right-handed players. If you accomplish purchase a computer mouse button, ensure that oahu is the left-handed edition. The particular model is really important due to the fact almost all game playing mice possess conforms that happen to be right now there to support your hand and stay comfortable in the course of lengthy gambling times and also, frequently, function aspect control keys which are supposed to be initialized with the flash. For the left-handed person these kinds of buttons will be about the completely wrong aspect of your mouse and also the conforms would make keeping it really irritating, otherwise completely impossible.

With regard to standard ergonomics, you need to be sure that the mouse you might be acquiring fits your hands. Therefore being sure that it?s contoured if you have you dimensions knowning that the dwelling generally line-up with all the way you possess your computer mouse button. Most of us have modest size arms as well as grasp these animals typically, with the palm resting within the whole mouse button, as a result just about any item can a comparable.

Over and above just shape and size, a buyer must don?t forget mice also have various designs. Razer, for example, regularly utilizes rubberized floors in addition to their mice. Lots of people understand the elevated proper grip and luxury this material provides. manufacturers may also utilize a variety of plastic materials as well as, regrettably, sometimes construct their particular gambling rodents together with varied quality. Make sure to double-check assessment web sites regarding mouse button quality: several mice are usually famous to have sub-par quality, weird switch depressive disorders, as well as other oddities that may get annoying throughout your own mouse?s helpful lifetime.

The internals of a computer mouse button matter the maximum amount of, or more, as opposed to exterior quality. Generally, mice these days get Two various kinds of devices for you to discover movement: optical and laserlight.
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Laser devices are generally more recent technology. They provide a higher level of detail as compared to his or her old eye competitors. Even though some these animals nonetheless utilize typical eye receptors, it can be uncommon to find out them in gambling mice these days. The actual laser beam detectors inside gaming rats possess various levels of decision. Standard rats most often have the dots for each inch (DPI) with a rating of 400-600. Innovative laserlight game playing rats possess between Three,500-3,Eight hundred DPI, which means that a button is much better capable of discover tiny actions: Far better diagnosis implies greater in-game precision. One more wonderful feature: the majority of gambling rats have got varied DPI and on-the-fly adjustments, and therefore the user can select the right Dots per inch on your game playing scenario, which usually further increases the side. Continuing on the customization concept, gambling rats use a wide array of alternatives that are offered for you, the gamer. From the integrated computer software, you are able to adjust items like DPI, X-axis level of sensitivity, all over the place sensitivity, switch projects, macros, double-click speed, and in many cases your lighting plans can be modified. Some rats also supply weight loads which you can use to alter the body weight of your mouse to be able to personal preference.
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Last but not least, any player must consider price. What is the excellent price tag for the video gaming mouse? A number of cost just as much as a hundred and forty ($140!) dollars, but people versions can include consist of wifi transmitting or even extremely high Dots per inch laser devices.
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Similar to a number of other pieces of hardware, getting a style from a several years in the past is not a negative remedy and, frequently, you can purchase game playing rodents within the $40 * $70 area using every single feature you?ll want.


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Medical Entrance Test National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET ...

Medical Council of India (MCI) official declared the syllabus for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) for admission to Medical courses. From this post you can find the more detailed syllabus for NEET-UG 2013. This syllabus was prepared by the CBSE, NCERT and COBSE. Are you looking for the final? syllabus for the NEET-UG 2013 then go below where you can find more chapter wise syllabus. Here we have given you Physics, Chemistry, Biology Syllabus of Medical entrance test for 2013. You can take this syllabus for 11th and 12th class with the specific topic and class.

NEET 2013-UG Syllabus of Physics, Chemistry and Biology topic wise for 11th and 12th class

Physics Syllabus for Class 11th

Sr.No Topics
1 Physical world and measurement
2 Kinematics
3 Laws of Motion
4 Work, Energy and Power
5 Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
6 Gravitation
7 Properties of Bulk Matter
8 Thermodynamics
9 Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory
10 Oscillations and Waves

?Physics Syllabus for Class 12th

Sr.No Topics
1 Electrostatics
2 Current Electricity
3 Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
4 Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
5 Electromagnetic Waves
6 Optics
7 Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
8 Atoms and Nuclei
9 Electronic Devices


Chemistry syllabus of class 11th

Sr.No Topics
1 Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
2 Structure of Atom
3 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
5 States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
6 Thermodynamics
7 Equilibrium
8 Redox Reactions
9 Hydrogen
10 s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
11 Some p-Block Elements
12 Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques
13 Hydrocarbons
14 Environmental Chemistry

?Chemistry syllabus of class 12th

Sr.No Topics
1 Solid State
2 Solutions
3 Electrochemistry
4 Chemical Kinetics
5 Surface Chemistry
6 General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
7 p- Block Elements
8 d and f Block Elements
9 Coordination Compounds
10 Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
11 Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
13 Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
14 Biomolecules
15 Polymers
16 Chemistry in Everyday Life


Biology syllabus of class 11th

Sr.No Topics
1 Diversity in Living World
2 Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants
3 Cell Structure and Function
4 Plant Physiology
5 Human physiology

Biology syllabus of class 12th

Sr.No Topics
1 Reproduction
2 Genetics and Evolution
3 Biology and Human Welfare
4 Biotechnology and Its Applications
5 Ecology and environment

?? ? ?



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Net Advertising and marketing Techniques To Make Your Business ...

Marketing Approach #1 ? Search Engine Optimi?

If you personal your personal web organization and you require new marketing and advertising tactics, you might want to start with methods that have been verified successful with other individuals. When you have your personal on the internet business, you want to use the advertising and marketing methods that will bring you the quite very best outcomes. There are numerous techniques obtainable for net advertising nevertheless, the following techniques have verified productive and effective numerous instances over.

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1 of the most profitable marketing strategies for your internet business that will support you industry each goods and solutions is search engine optimization (Search engine marketing). Search engine marketing is used to optimize your site so it will be very easily discovered on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. If you want to use this world wide web marketing and advertising technique properly, you need to have to comprehend how Search engine marketing works. For those who are unfamiliar with Search engine optimization and how it operates, hiring a Seo specialist could be helpful.

Marketing and advertising Method #2 ? Newsletters

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1 outstanding technique of web advertising and marketing that it is cost-effect and effortless involves employing pay per click ads. There are numerous programs with search engines that will enable you to have your ad show up when specific search phrases are searched for. The greatest thing about this kind of marketing and advertising is that you only pay when your ad is clicked. Some have discovered this to be an incredibly successful marketing technique and it is reasonably priced as effectively.

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One particular of the lesser recognized tactics utilized for net marketing requires link exchanging. This marketing technique entails possessing numerous sites exchange their links. You could want to ask one more site to add a link to your internet site, and then you in return will add their link to your website as properly. This approach can be helpful for each web sites involved and it not only will help to give far more visitors to your site, but it will also support improve your search engine rank as well.

Marketing and advertising Technique #5 ? Internet Banners

Yet another effective technique of web advertising and marketing is the web banner. You can buy marketing space on other web sites such as relevant websites and ezines, and in this space you will have your ad seem. It is essential that you have an eye-catching ad that will entice guests to click on it to pay a visit to your website.

All of these techniques have been really efficient for several net marketers and have brought about wonderful outcomes. It is essential that you pick the tactics that will perform best for your enterprise and the ones that will be most affordable to you as properly. While there are several distinct marketing and advertising techniques to select from, making use of the strategies that have shown the best benefits is typically the best way to go.

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Microsoft posts Windows Phone 8 SDK, kicks off a new era for apps

Microsoft posts Windows Phone 8 SDK, lets developers get cracking at last

The word "finally" is often abused (including by us), but here it's deserved: after months of knowing about Windows Phone 8 with little to do but wait or support rival platforms, developers can finally download version 8.0 of the Windows Phone SDK. The kit lets teams get cracking on apps that take advantage of the Windows 8-related code base in Windows Phone 8 and all the hooks that go with the new OS, such as the broader hardware support, ties to the lock screen and Wallet. You'd better be an early adopter on the desktop if you're eager to start programming for the equally new mobile platform, though -- the SDK won't run on anything less than a 64-bit copy of Windows 8. We're still anticipating a much improved ecosystem now that Windows Phone app writers can do more than twiddle their thumbs.

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Microsoft posts Windows Phone 8 SDK, kicks off a new era for apps originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 30 Oct 2012 13:56:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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14 rescued, 2 missing from tall ship off NC

ELIZABETH CITY, N.C. (AP) ? A replica tall ship caught in Hurricane Sandy's wrath began taking on water, forcing the crew to abandon the boat in rough seas off the North Carolina coast. The Coast Guard rescued 14 crew members by helicopter Monday but two people were still missing.

The HMS Bounty, which has been featured in Hollywood films such as "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," had left Connecticut last week, en route to St. Petersburg, Fla.

"They were staying in constant contact with the National Hurricane Center," said Tracie Simonin, the director of the HMS Bounty Organization. "They were trying to make it around the storm."

The Coast Guard initially received a call from the owner of the 180-foot, three-mast ship late Sunday evening, saying communication had been lost with the vessel's crew. The Coast Guard in Portsmouth, Va., later received an emergency distress call from the Bounty, confirming its position.

Coast Guard Vice Adm. Robert Parker, Operational Commander for the Atlantic Area, told ABC's "Good Morning America" that at the time of the distress call, the ship was taking on two feet of water an hour. It had about 10 feet of water when the crew abandoned the ship.

Most of the crew made it into canopied, 25-foot rubber life rafts, he said. Amid winds of 40 mph and 18-foot seas, two helicopters flew in for the rescue about 6:30 a.m. Monday, plucking crew members from the life boats.

The first helicopter rescued nine people and the second picked up five crew members a short time later about 90 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras, Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Brandyn Hill said.

Those rescued were being taken to Air Station Elizabeth City on the North Carolina coast. Hill had no immediate word on their conditions.

The ship left Connecticut on Thursday when Sandy was over Cuba, and its path and effect on the East Coast was still somewhat certain. Sandy was forecast to be several hundred miles off the Carolinas coast and the Outer Banks were not in the cone of uncertainty.

Days before it sank, the vessel had rerouted to avoid the brunt of Hurricane Sandy. However, a statement on its website acknowledged, "this will be a tough voyage for Bounty," the Tampa Bay Times reported.

The ship was built for the 1962 film "Mutiny on the Bounty," which starred Marlin Brando, and has been featured in other movies.

The HMS Bounty has docked off and on over the years at The Pier in St. Petersburg, Fla., and was scheduled to eventually arrive there in November, said Carol Everson, general manager of The Pier.

"I know they were very much looking forward to being here," she said. "They were very excited about coming down."

The Bounty's captain, Robin Walbridge, was from St. Petersburg, she said.

She and other employees of The Pier were closely following the story.

"It's devastating," she said. "Obviously you want all of the crew to be safe. It's a shame that the vessel has gone down because it's a tremendous piece of history and a great piece of history for St. Petersburg."

Wallbridge learned to sail at age 10, according to his biography on the Bounty's website. Prior to the Bounty, he served as first mate on the H.M.S. Rose ? the Bounty's sister ship.

The ship was permanently docked in St. Petersburg for many decades. In 1986, it was bought by Ted Turner, and in 2001, it was purchased by its current owner, New York businessman named Robert Hansen.

About 10 years ago, the ship underwent a multi-million dollar restoration.

In recent years, the ship has wintered in Puerto Rico and travels in the spring and summer. In August, large crowds greeted the ship when it sailed into St. Augustine, Fla., Savannah, Ga., and Charleston, S.C.


Associated Press writers Bruce Smith in Charleston, S.C., and Tamara Lush in St. Petersburg, Fla. contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Nears East Coast

An anonymous reader writes "Scientists have been following and projecting Sandy's path with all the tools at their disposal: ocean buoys, radar and satellite imagery, and computer modeling. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also gathers information from special reconnaissance aircraft, which fly over hurricanes and can drop instruments into them to measure wind speeds, air pressure, temperature, and altitude. The latest data gathered on Hurricane Sandy point to an unprecedented and mighty tempest, scientists say." A couple of our East Coast offices are closed today and people have been told to work from home. Please share your storm stories, and updates while you still have internet access.


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Worlds Collide

Worlds Collide

When Megatron builds a bridge between three worlds and finds himself as the thrall to a new master can the heroes of Marvel and DC Earth unite and stop the war that is to come?


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Scientists look at climate change, superstorm

Climate scientist Michael Oppenheimer stood along the Hudson River and watched his research come to life as Hurricane Sandy blew through New York.

Just eight months earlier, the Princeton University professor reported that what used to be once-in-a-century devastating floods in New York City would soon happen every three to 20 years. He blamed global warming for pushing up sea levels and changing hurricane patterns.

New York "is now highly vulnerable to extreme hurricane-surge flooding," he wrote.

For more than a dozen years, Oppenheimer and other climate scientists have been warning about the risk for big storms and serious flooding in New York. A 2000 federal report about global warming's effect on the United States warned specifically of that possibility.

Still, they say it's unfair to blame climate change for Sandy and the destruction it left behind. They cautioned that they cannot yet conclusively link a single storm to global warming, and any connection is not as clear and simple as environmental activists might contend.

"The ingredients of this storm seem a little bit cooked by climate change, but the overall storm is difficult to attribute to global warming," Canada's University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver said.

Some individual parts of Sandy and its wrath seem to be influenced by climate change, several climate scientists said.

First, there's sea level rise. Water levels around New York are a nearly a foot higher than they were 100 years ago, said Penn State University climate scientist Michael Mann.

Add to that the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean, which is about 2 degrees warmer on average than a century ago, said Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist at Texas Tech University. Warm water fuels hurricanes.

And Sandy zipped north along a warmer-than-normal Gulf Stream that travels from the Caribbean to Ireland, said Jeff Masters, meteorology director for the private service Weather Underground.

Meteorologists are also noticing more hurricanes late in the season and even after the season. A 2008 study said the Atlantic hurricane season seems to be starting earlier and lasting longer but found no explicit link to global warming. Normally there are 11 named Atlantic storms. The past two years have seen 19 and 18 named storms. This year, with one month to go, there are 19.

After years of disagreement, climate scientists and hurricane experts have concluded that as the climate warms, there will be fewer total hurricanes. But those storms that do develop will be stronger and wetter.

Sandy took an unprecedented sharp left turn into New Jersey. Usually storms keep heading north and turn east harmlessly out to sea. But a strong ridge of high pressure centered over Greenland blocked Sandy from going north or east, according to the National Hurricane Center.

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Jennifer Francis of Rutgers University, an expert in how a warming Arctic affects extreme weather patterns, said recent warming in the Arctic may have played a role in enlarging or prolonging that high pressure area. But she cautioned it's not clear whether the warming really had that influence on Sandy.

While components of Sandy seem connected to global warming, "mostly it's natural, I'd say it's 80, 90 percent natural," said Gerald North, a climate professor at Texas A&M University. "These things do happen, like the drought. It's a natural thing."

On Tuesday, both New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Gov. Andrew Cuomo said they couldn't help but notice that extreme events such as Sandy are causing them more and more trouble.

"What is clear is that the storms that we've experienced in the last year or so, around this country and around the world, are much more severe than before," Bloomberg said. "Whether that's global warming or what, I don't know. But we'll have to address those issues."

Cuomo called the changes "a new reality."

"Anyone who says that there's not a dramatic change in weather patterns I think is denying reality," Cuomo said. "I told the president the other day: 'We have a 100-year flood every two years now.'"

For his published research, Oppenheimer looked at New York City's record flood of 1821. Sandy flooded even higher. This week's damage was augmented by the past century's sea level rise, which was higher than the world average because of unusual coastal geography and ocean currents. Oppenheimer walked from his Manhattan home to the river Monday evening to watch the storm.

"We sort of knew it could happen, but you know that's different from actually standing there and watching it happen," Oppenheimer said from a cell phone. "You don't really imagine what this looks like until you see it."

Associated Press writers Jennifer Peltz and Malcolm Ritter in New York and Michael Gormley in Albany contributed to this report.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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How Effective is Your Workplace Security - True to Business

Having an effective security system for your business is crucial to the overall protection of not only your employees and workplace, but of important and confidential information and documentation that is of value to your company. There are many plausible scenarios that could happen to a business that would imply a security breach, however with an efficient and effective security system in place, these issues can be handled promptly and, ideally, prevented. Take a look at these various scenarios and what you can do to properly handle them or even prevent them altogether.

Scenario #1 - Office Break-ins

A potential security issue for any business is a break-in or theft. When someone attempts to break into your office space, it could be for a number of reasons ? to steal expensive equipment or merchandise, obtain important documents, or even to steal money. Should this ever happen, an effective security system would be able to catch the perpetrator on camera from various angles and views of the office. As well, an effective system would have an alarm system that would go off if a break in occurred. However, the most ideal result would be that the break in would be prevented altogether.

How to Enhance Security
In order to ensure that security system is as effective as possible for this specific scenario, you must ensure that your surveillance equipment is working properly. Ensure that cameras are set up at every entrance, window and in various viewpoints around the office. These cameras should be positioned properly to ensure that all blind spots are made visible and that a perpetrator can be seen from every angle. As well as cameras, your alarm system should be functioning properly and unable to be tampered with. Alarm systems that use biometric technology are the most effective. To make sure that these things are all working properly and positioned correctly, have your corporate security services representative take care of this.

Scenario #2: Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment can take on several forms whether it be violence, sexual harassment, threats, discrimination, racism, prejudice or sexism. Most often harassment happens within the office and the instigator is typically another employee within the company. An effective security system would be able to address harassment issues promptly and positively identify the harasser. As well, an effective system would be able to monitor any potential disturbances and prevent them from escalating.

How to Enhance Security
To properly ensure that your security system is working effectively through this kind of scenario, just as the previous scenario, you should ensure that your cameras are properly positioned and functioning well. Employee behaviour can easily be monitored through the use of security cameras that are placed around the office. As well, they will be able to let any security and HR personnel see when a disturbance is occurring. Another way to enhance your security system for harassment scenarios is to ensure that your company has an anonymous hotline that is accessible to your employees. Often harassment goes unnoticed because people are afraid to report it and have their identity known and potentially worsen the situation. However, if employees have a line to contact that keeps their identity anonymous they can effectively report any issues of harassment or other suspicious and disturbing behaviour. This will allow situations to be addressed right away before things are able to escalate, and ideally, could prevent future issues from occurring at all.

Scenario #3: Breach in Internet Security

Today in the business world, computer systems and the internet are integral tools for doing business and storing important employee and client information. A potential scenario that could happen in any business is that the confidentiality of this information is breached and that someone or something (such as a virus) gains access to the company?s system without proper authorization. The reason for doing this could be to obtain confidential data such as passwords, bank account information, employee information or other info that can be used for negative reasons. A sign of an effective security system would mean that the person who is breaching security will be able to be traced and identified promptly. As well, viruses will be able to be blocked, and any other breaches should be prevented.

How to Enhance Security
The best way to enhance your company?s security in this kind of scenario is to ensure that your company is using appropriate internet monitoring and internet security software. This software will be able to tell you what your employees are using the internet for and who is using what. If your employees are aware that this type of security system is in play, it is guaranteed that no one will try to breach it in any way. For all other prevention methods, Internet security software will be able to detect any suspicious behaviour within your company?s system, as well as block any viruses and safely store any important and confidential information or documents.


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