Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How Effective is Your Workplace Security - True to Business

Having an effective security system for your business is crucial to the overall protection of not only your employees and workplace, but of important and confidential information and documentation that is of value to your company. There are many plausible scenarios that could happen to a business that would imply a security breach, however with an efficient and effective security system in place, these issues can be handled promptly and, ideally, prevented. Take a look at these various scenarios and what you can do to properly handle them or even prevent them altogether.

Scenario #1 - Office Break-ins

A potential security issue for any business is a break-in or theft. When someone attempts to break into your office space, it could be for a number of reasons ? to steal expensive equipment or merchandise, obtain important documents, or even to steal money. Should this ever happen, an effective security system would be able to catch the perpetrator on camera from various angles and views of the office. As well, an effective system would have an alarm system that would go off if a break in occurred. However, the most ideal result would be that the break in would be prevented altogether.

How to Enhance Security
In order to ensure that security system is as effective as possible for this specific scenario, you must ensure that your surveillance equipment is working properly. Ensure that cameras are set up at every entrance, window and in various viewpoints around the office. These cameras should be positioned properly to ensure that all blind spots are made visible and that a perpetrator can be seen from every angle. As well as cameras, your alarm system should be functioning properly and unable to be tampered with. Alarm systems that use biometric technology are the most effective. To make sure that these things are all working properly and positioned correctly, have your corporate security services representative take care of this.

Scenario #2: Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment can take on several forms whether it be violence, sexual harassment, threats, discrimination, racism, prejudice or sexism. Most often harassment happens within the office and the instigator is typically another employee within the company. An effective security system would be able to address harassment issues promptly and positively identify the harasser. As well, an effective system would be able to monitor any potential disturbances and prevent them from escalating.

How to Enhance Security
To properly ensure that your security system is working effectively through this kind of scenario, just as the previous scenario, you should ensure that your cameras are properly positioned and functioning well. Employee behaviour can easily be monitored through the use of security cameras that are placed around the office. As well, they will be able to let any security and HR personnel see when a disturbance is occurring. Another way to enhance your security system for harassment scenarios is to ensure that your company has an anonymous hotline that is accessible to your employees. Often harassment goes unnoticed because people are afraid to report it and have their identity known and potentially worsen the situation. However, if employees have a line to contact that keeps their identity anonymous they can effectively report any issues of harassment or other suspicious and disturbing behaviour. This will allow situations to be addressed right away before things are able to escalate, and ideally, could prevent future issues from occurring at all.

Scenario #3: Breach in Internet Security

Today in the business world, computer systems and the internet are integral tools for doing business and storing important employee and client information. A potential scenario that could happen in any business is that the confidentiality of this information is breached and that someone or something (such as a virus) gains access to the company?s system without proper authorization. The reason for doing this could be to obtain confidential data such as passwords, bank account information, employee information or other info that can be used for negative reasons. A sign of an effective security system would mean that the person who is breaching security will be able to be traced and identified promptly. As well, viruses will be able to be blocked, and any other breaches should be prevented.

How to Enhance Security
The best way to enhance your company?s security in this kind of scenario is to ensure that your company is using appropriate internet monitoring and internet security software. This software will be able to tell you what your employees are using the internet for and who is using what. If your employees are aware that this type of security system is in play, it is guaranteed that no one will try to breach it in any way. For all other prevention methods, Internet security software will be able to detect any suspicious behaviour within your company?s system, as well as block any viruses and safely store any important and confidential information or documents.

Source: http://truetobusiness.com/ttbblog/adelaide-irene/how-effective-is-your-workplace-security

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